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2005-06-23 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah it pretty much is the only reason i even keep my cards are becuz of the art on them are not that bad
2005-06-23 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah well all of those card games are rip offs of mtg. and yes i like the art don't own any cards myself but my friend has a few and I think its great that it has an anubis card.
2005-06-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah there is one yu-gi card i like the most but still.....hey i found my cards now all i have to do is make room by the computer
2005-06-24 [GriffinDWolf]: lol k's
2005-06-25 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yup yup
2005-06-27 [demonsky]: iam actually starting to explore yugi myself
2005-06-27 [Deadlock jester]: I tried, but gave up, there is no way of making combo's or something...
2005-06-27 [demonsky]: true... but its an ok game..it can be fun... different from magic. i think magic involves more strategy but yugi is still challenging
2005-06-27 [Deadlock jester]: yeah...but the one with the more powerfull cards wins most of the time, with magic weak cards can kick ass
2005-06-27 [GriffinDWolf]: so true
2005-06-27 [Deadlock jester]: hmm...also, in my school, the decks (or whatever they call it) of yu-gi players are huge
2005-06-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yugi is ok but not that good
2005-06-29 [AnubisX32]: my friend refers to it as either crap-y-oh or yu-gay-oh
2005-06-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: its not that bad but still its not as good as magic
2005-06-29 [AnubisX32]: my friend thinks it's that bad.
2005-06-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: its not just that it don't stand a chance compaired to magic
2005-06-29 [AnubisX32]: unfortunateley
2005-06-29 [Deadlock jester]: yeah, but I wouldn't like a magic television show, it would destroy alot that what makes magic special
2005-06-29 [AnubisX32]: yea, but they might have some sort of advertisement, aside from the books.
2005-06-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: no that would ruin it i mean thats what really ruined yugi
2005-06-29 [Deadlock jester]: yeah, to many younger people start playing it, the rules get easier; the stories kiddier and the art changed into near iddiotic drawings of baby's
2005-06-29 [AnubisX32]: True, but if things continue the way they're going, it might start to outsell magic
2005-06-29 [Deadlock jester]: untill people get bored of it and a new show comes
2005-06-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah thats the truth in a nut shell
2005-06-29 [AnubisX32]: hopefully it will just be a show
2005-06-29 [Deadlock jester]: ya...
2005-06-29 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe
2005-06-30 [GriffinDWolf]: it is and eventually it will disapate. the way i see it there may only be a year or two left in it but who knows it may surprise me and last longer
2005-06-30 [Shooting Star Shadow]: maybe
2005-06-30 [Deadlock jester]: hmm....but I don't think it will stop Wizards from making MTG yet, they have alot of loyal followers they would be letting down, and most people that play magic are no strangers to DnD neither and they might be afraid of loosing some of their bussiness because some people would get mad and stop playing games as DnD
2005-06-30 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah well magic is the original so it'll keep going for a very long time, they may go crappy but they will either soon see their error if they do too much to either. they still want there money to come in
2005-06-30 [Deadlock jester]: true
2005-07-01 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah i know then again im an idiot so what do i know
2005-07-01 [GriffinDWolf]: no your not so quite putting yourself down
2005-07-01 [Shooting Star Shadow]: ok i will but its the truth
2005-07-02 [GriffinDWolf]: grrr!
2005-07-02 [Shooting Star Shadow]: oh don't grrr at me hun or i might just have to -hits my head- dang it kid don't threaten her i mean come on
2005-07-02 [GriffinDWolf]: You really think treatening me would scare me off. lol So what we you going to do? or are you not going to say it.
2005-07-02 [Shooting Star Shadow]: im going to do this -kisses her and runs off- :P
2005-07-02 [GriffinDWolf]: well fine then *runs after him and catches up* now what
2005-07-03 [Shooting Star Shadow]: this -disappears into thin air- find me if u can
2005-07-03 [GriffinDWolf]: I could if I wanted to. lol And i know where to look. But since your gone maybe I'll work on a new deck. spend the time on something constructive cause i still need to build a deck to play [Dwarf Ronin]
2005-07-03 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe yeah u should
2005-07-04 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah i should but do i have the time?
2005-07-04 [AnubisX32]: i'm making my first wiki!^^ I got up at 11 and was working on it 'till now, when the damn computer starts getting screwey and says "the page cannot be displayed". so i click back, then it says "the page has expired"!!!!!!
2005-07-04 [Shooting Star Shadow]: i dunno do u have time prolly not and whats ur wiki name
2005-07-04 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah dear you have to tell what the wiki page is before people can go see it
2005-07-04 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah that is how it normally works on here
2005-07-04 [AnubisX32]: uh, right it's Anubis Eternal. I wasn't sure about the name before, and was gonna change it, but i decided not to.
2005-07-05 [GriffinDWolf]: that's fine besides i like the name
2005-07-05 [AnubisX32]: thanks^^
2005-07-05 [Shooting Star Shadow]: kk i'll check it out ventually
2005-07-05 [AnubisX32]: hope so :)
2005-07-05 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah
2005-08-30 [GriffinDWolf]: ECHO...ECHo...
2005-08-30 [GriffinDWolf]: I've now gained ownership basically of this wiki from [Hellspawn] {thank you}
2005-08-30 [Dwarf Ronin]: Ohhh...how did this happen?
2005-08-30 [GriffinDWolf]: lol i sent a message to hellspawn a long time ago and i guess he no longer is going to be on much so he said he'd just let me takes care of it since i added those other pages and junk
2005-08-30 [Dwarf Ronin]: Ohhh......
2005-08-30 [GriffinDWolf]: lol so what's up with you kir-bu lol that rhymns
2005-08-30 [Dwarf Ronin]: Nothing much...just roleplaying.
2005-08-30 [AnubisX32]: hello peepls^^ rping is fun =D
2005-08-30 [GriffinDWolf]: *sigh* i wish i could do that right now.....don't have the time too well not yet anyway
2005-08-30 [AnubisX32]: That sucks...
2005-08-30 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah it really does I'm just stuck with only about an hour of computer time and maybe an hour or two more of free time and that isn't enough time to do diddly
2005-08-30 [AnubisX32]: Really? That must suck... What are you busy with?
2005-08-30 [GriffinDWolf]: College classes
2005-08-30 [AnubisX32]: Ouch. How is college?
2005-08-31 [GriffinDWolf]: lots of work lots of down time and it seems no time to do what i actually want to do but its fun so far for me seems pretty easy but this is only the second week
2005-08-31 [AnubisX32]: Well, I hope you injoy yourself^^
2005-08-31 [Shooting Star Shadow]: you'll be fine hun and you know it's worth it regardless....
2005-08-31 [Deadlock jester]: congratulation
2005-08-31 [AnubisX32]: i tried that once, bit ur tutnrd out like thid^^ lol. That's without erasing anything. I'm very slow, though.
2005-08-31 [Deadlock jester]: i learned myself, i did it without noticing..
2005-08-31 [AnubisX32]: I'm getting there.
2005-08-31 [Deadlock jester]: ^^ eventually it'll become really easy
2005-08-31 [AnubisX32]: yup^^
2005-08-31 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah well i had a freaking class on how to type for highschool and i hated it but now i can type ok even if blinded
2005-08-31 [AnubisX32]: We don't have a typing class^^
2005-09-01 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah well it was required for us and i hated it
2005-09-01 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe we had a required class here at the high school and it sucked ....take that fools i did all that without looking
2005-09-01 [AnubisX32]: I wrote this without looking, and I only made 11 mistakes! lol, that's a lot^^
2005-09-02 [GriffinDWolf]: I never look anymore so take that ;p
2005-09-02 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe i don't need to but sometimes i do just for the fact that my eye sight is getting worse i gotta make sure that im hitting the write stuff
2005-09-02 [GriffinDWolf]: sure excuses
2005-09-03 [Shooting Star Shadow]: oh bite me hun
2005-09-04 [AnubisX32]: *sleeping* -.- zZzZ
2005-09-04 [Dwarf Ronin]: Yes...I have made a Monk deck.
2005-09-04 [Deadlock jester]: same here, and a type one rat deck, a vampire -, gravepact -, direct damage - and a complete artifact deck..I couldn't sleep last night
2005-09-04 [AnubisX32]: -.- zZzZzZzZ
2005-09-04 [GriffinDWolf]: lol sounds like some fun decks. *pokes anubis*
2005-09-05 [AnubisX32]: huh? wha-? i'm awake...sort o.... -.- zZzZzZzZ
2005-09-05 [Shooting Star Shadow]: zZzZzZzZz let me sleep for another 6 hours
2005-09-07 [GriffinDWolf]: lol sleepyness what is this I don't know what this....sleep is
2005-09-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: huh someone say something,nope ok nighty night ZZzzZZzzZZ
2005-09-07 [GriffinDWolf]: lol *pokes joshy*
2005-09-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: ouchy leave me alone i wanna sleep more it's to early to get up
2005-09-07 [GriffinDWolf]: lol fine then *goes and lays down turned away*
2005-09-07 [Shooting Star Shadow]: -gets up and goes lays down with grif- hey hun im sorry just been a long year so far and it's only going on the 4th week
2005-09-08 [GriffinDWolf]: Oh god i know what ya mean it already feels like i've been here ages or maybe that is just cause of the constant deja-voo
2005-09-08 [Shooting Star Shadow]: it's not the deja-voo that has me just in the past two days i've lost a friend cuz she transfered and this morning i found out that if my friend doesn't get her cell count up alot she'll end up dieing from it and it's getting just to hard anymore
2005-09-08 [GriffinDWolf]: well work though it........."in time"
2005-09-08 [Shooting Star Shadow]: she don't have much time like maybe a few months if that and time is whats caused it to all happen
2005-09-09 [GriffinDWolf]: well hun it will all work out in the end
2005-09-09 [Shooting Star Shadow]: doubtful i was thinking bout maybe i would get lucky and go comatose for a bit
2005-09-09 [GriffinDWolf]: no...No......N
2005-09-10 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hun just for awhile until everyone gets settled into a life with less me involved and then i'd wake up if i had control over it
2005-09-11 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah but that probably wouldn't happen
2005-09-11 [Shooting Star Shadow]: ah but it could and would be better cuz then alot of people would learn to solve there own simple problems
2005-09-13 [GriffinDWolf]: you know that wouldnt happen so don't kid yourself
2005-09-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: well it needs to cuz i've got my own issues to deal with
2005-09-13 [GriffinDWolf]: then deal with em and let others take care of themselves for once
2005-09-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: im the only one that knows how to help and the only one that has the mentality here to do it
2005-09-13 [GriffinDWolf]: well if your mentality is breaking down i don't see how you can be of help
2005-09-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: well i wish others saw it as that
2005-09-13 [GriffinDWolf]: maybe you'll have to tell them you can't take all of their problems too
2005-09-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: like they'd listen last time i did that they tried to say i was suicidial
2005-09-13 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah well some how they need to understand
2005-09-13 [Shooting Star Shadow]: yeah maybe if i beat it into them they'd listen
2005-09-14 [Toshi Umezawa]: anyone going to ravnica pre-releases next weekend?
2005-09-14 [Deadlock jester]: aye, I think so
2005-09-14 [Toshi Umezawa]: where
2005-09-14 [Deadlock jester]: Antwerp..if it's there already..
2005-09-14 [Toshi Umezawa]: oh, you don't live in the US
2005-09-14 [Deadlock jester]: no, unfortunatly not
2005-09-14 [GriffinDWolf]: sigh i wish i could i'm stucks in the USA
2005-09-19 [GriffinDWolf]:
2005-09-19 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe you could the idea i had for one of my projects in english is that someone needs to make a sign and run down the street bare ass while holding
2005-09-19 [GriffinDWolf]: for some reason i don't think that will help
2005-09-20 [tenshi-ryuu]: not much at least... would be a good laugh though...
2005-09-20 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe yeah it would cuz it'd get attention and be advertising the project just the same
2005-09-20 [GriffinDWolf]: i think it would advertise the person a little more though
2005-09-20 [Shooting Star Shadow]: well thats why they have sign covering the certain unnamed area
2005-09-20 [GriffinDWolf]: lol sure
2005-09-20 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe
2005-09-21 [GriffinDWolf]: ;P
2005-09-21 [Shooting Star Shadow]: hehe
2005-09-22 [tenshi-ryuu]: why a guy? a woman would work too... meh... whatever works I guess...
2005-09-23 [GriffinDWolf]: lol ya do got a point there
2005-09-23 [Shooting Star Shadow]: becuz guys would get more becuz there being more girls out there and non st8 guys would like to see something swinging ni the breeze
2005-09-24 [GriffinDWolf]: whatever you wants to think there
2005-09-24 [Shooting Star Shadow]: why not both one can go through one side of town and the other can go the other side
2005-09-25 [Dwarf Ronin]: I have made a beast deck now
2005-09-25 [Shooting Star Shadow]: cool
2005-09-25 [GriffinDWolf]: beast deck great fun i did that once i have several cards that are fun to use with lots of beasts out in play. So what kind of beasts hun?
2005-09-26 [Dwarf Ronin]: Like....Glower
2005-09-26 [Toshi Umezawa]: Ravnica is freakin amazing
2005-09-28 [GriffinDWolf]: Cloudscraper great fun i've crushed several players with that card they didn't see it coming
2005-09-28 [Dwarf Ronin]: Now I have a Bringer of the Green Dawn I think it is called.
2005-09-28 [GriffinDWolf]: sounds like fun what's it do
2005-09-28 [Dwarf Ronin]: Well, it first effect is that you can pay Blue, White, Black, Green, and Red to play it instead of 7 mana and two Green. It has Trample. Also, during the begining of each of my unkeeps, but a 3/3 beast token into play.
2005-09-28 [GriffinDWolf]: lol i like it already that is great fun
2005-09-29 [Dwarf Ronin]: Yes, it is. I make massive creature with high covenrted mana cost then I play my Ancient Ooze.
2005-09-30 [GriffinDWolf]: oooh evilness I love being evil with cardsometimes, but i like tampering with other peoples decks with my cards and then hitting them with something that they didn't realize was coming
2005-09-30 [Dwarf Ronin]: Well, I like making people cry with I face them.
2005-09-30 [GriffinDWolf]: lol it'd never happen against me I don't cry in defeat well cause I'm generally not beat and i tend to not show stong emotion unless i really know the person well
2005-09-30 [Dwarf Ronin]: I'm also trying to make a good MoonFolk deck now.
2005-09-30 [GriffinDWolf]: hmm sounds fun. I only have i think 3 or 4 moon folk myself
2005-09-30 [Dwarf Ronin]: Well, nothing compared to my monks and samurai.
2005-09-30 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah of course they are much better in my opinion for a battle strategy that is
2005-09-30 [Dwarf Ronin]: Of course.
2005-09-30 [GriffinDWolf]: lol
2005-09-30 [Dwarf Ronin]: Since I have some equipments in there, I put some Leonin Shikari.
2005-09-30 [GriffinDWolf]: hmmm interesting choice but yeah
2005-09-30 [Dwarf Ronin]: Yep...
2005-10-01 [GriffinDWolf]: lol
2006-02-13 [Danboo]: can i join
2006-02-13 [Dwarf Ronin]: I have a favorite card: Blazing Archon.
2006-02-13 [GriffinDWolf]: sounds fun what it do?
2006-02-13 [GriffinDWolf]: anyone can join just put your name up
2006-02-13 [Dwarf Ronin]: Well, the only down side to it is 9 mana to play, but the effect its "Flying; Creatures can't attack you."
2006-02-13 [GriffinDWolf]: that is always a good thing but i've seen some pretty sweet cards too
2006-02-13 [GriffinDWolf]: still that is fun
2006-02-13 [Dwarf Ronin]: 5/6, not bad...plus they are not legendary.
2006-02-20 [GriffinDWolf]: Still i like playing weak cards and boosting em
2006-02-20 [Dwarf Ronin]: I do to as well.
2006-06-25 [Dwarf Ronin]: Well, this place as died.
2006-06-25 [Deadlock jester]: indeed.
2006-06-25 [Dwarf Ronin]: I will play someone at magic?
2006-07-30 [GriffinDWolf]: yeah sorta did die
2006-07-31 [Dwarf Ronin]: Does anyone want to play magic against me.
2006-07-31 [Deadlock jester]: I'm working on a blue/white flying-defende
2006-07-31 [Dwarf Ronin]: Well, there is enchantments that say pay one blue to tap or untap target creature. So, you enchant one of your creatures that say Tap: Tap target permentant.
2006-07-31 [Deadlock jester]: Don't think I know that one, but I could use it. Thanks!
2006-07-31 [Dwarf Ronin]: Your welcome, I'm always willing to help.
2006-08-26 [iippo]: Wow, this is a really cool wiki! Could you consider exporting the pages so outside-ET visitors can also see it, and I could suggest it to the rated wikis' list?
2006-08-26 [Dwarf Ronin]: I don't know about that.
2006-08-27 [iippo]: The owner (first editor of the wiki) can make the pages exported. The owner of the wikipage is [GriffinDWolf]?
2006-08-27 [Remial]: Yes, GriffinDWolf owns it now.
2006-09-06 [GriffinDWolf]: its exporting now
2006-09-06 [iippo]: :) Thank you muchly.
2006-09-06 [Dwarf Ronin]: I need to face someone.
2006-11-12 [Deadlock jester]: Anyone agree that the new blocks suck?
2006-11-12 [Dwarf Ronin]: Well, I kind of like some of the new cards, but mostly, yes.
2006-11-12 [Remial]: I disagree entirely. Kamigawa was awesome, Ravnica was absolutely incredible, and Time Spiral is out to beat them all.
2006-11-13 [Deadlock jester]: Kamigawa and Ravnica -in my opinion- were to uch themed, and kicked the fun out of players that used that kind of deck (artifacts and rats for example). Time Spiral is just plain writer's block: reprinting awesome cards that loose their value because of it.
2006-11-14 [Remial]: the only reprints in time spiral were the Timeshifted ones. . .and those were reprinted simply so they could be legal in standard again. The remainder of the set was homage to legends from stories that never made it on to cards, modifications of old (mostly broken) cards, and a few entirely new mechanics.
2007-01-15 [Remial]: . . .Anyone else think we need a new banner? o.O
2007-01-17 [Dwarf Ronin]: Yes...I would also love to play someone.
2019-04-01 [Infested_Zling]: hello? any one here?
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